Factual Issues


If there are any facts/figures used in a documentary it is compulsory that those facts are correct and have been checked that they are correct. This is because you cant give false information in anything, the sources have to be verified and sited.

It is important that all of my facts are right about veganism because not only would it be putting false information out there but it could possibly offend people.


This is about giving both sides of the story, it depends upon the subject whether the producer would include both sides. If they were documenting something such as terrorism they would most likely keep this one sided and not include anything that would connote positivity. Some topics such as politics is hard to keep one sided because there is so much to talk about and people have different opinions.

I will be balanced in my documentary because I am going to be giving both sides of being vegan.


It is important that presenters and producers don’t let their opinions effect the documentary because people watch factual programmes for facts and truth not to be influenced by someone’s opinion. A good example of this is that the makers of Blackfish not only get interviews with trainers but they get an interview with a man that went out and captured the orca whales and the interviewer doesn’t put any of her opinions across she just asks the questions to get the information she needs.


This is about putting your feelings and opinions aside and listening to what the documentary is trying to teach and making your opinion from there. It can include controversial documentaries such as “meeting the Taliban”.

I will allow people to make this decision when they are watching my documentary because I’m giving both sides of the story and a lot of people consider veganism a very serious thing.


This is about judging a subject based on your feelings rather than the facts. An example of this is Benefits Street because they tend to not use many facts or statistics and people already tend to have an opinion on this subject.

My documentary isn’t going to be based on facts, it is going to be more based on interviews, opinions and social media. Subjectivity will surround my documentary because veganism is so popular at the minute that people will already have their opinions about the subject.


Everyone has their own opinion about things and they are entitled to this, however presenters/producers should not include this in their shows because it could effect how the audience feels. It is crucial for things such as election day that opinions aren’t broadcasted because this could effect the public.

For the documentary I am going to keep my opinions out of the making because my focus is a question rather than me telling them my opinion. This will allow people to make their own thoughts and opinions.


This is when only one side of the argument is shown to make the audience feel a certain way, this is shown in the documentary “The Herd” only the negative abusive side of keeping animals in cages before they are slaughtered are shown, this is a very popular opinion and it reassures what people think but it is making the audience feel a certain way about this.

It is important that the documentary isn’t biased because the audience may feel as though they are being pushed in a certain direction. My documentary may come across as slightly biased because of the interview with Joe being the main focus, however, I will try my best to keep it unbiased.


This is how people are portrayed in the documentary, this is to make the viewers feel a certain way. In a lot of food documentaries the animals are shown as the victims which makes the audience feel sympathetic.

This is important for any documentary, for my documentary I wont be showing Joe in a different way, his opinions are his own and this is stated in the documentary.

Legal access

This is about having permission to use something, it may be music, images or to film someone. You must have permission because you may offend people or get a fine if it includes copyright.

To avoid using copyrighted material in my documentary I will make sure that if I use any music it will be royalty free.


You have to make sure that people agree to being filmed and they are ok to have their views and opinions in the documentary, this can be assured with a written agreement so you have proof that they agreed.

It is important to make sure that all parties consent to being filmed and that they agree to their opinions being used in the documentary. My interviewee agreed via messaging services so I have evidence that he agreed.

Contract with viewer

This is an unwritten contract with viewer to tell them about the documentary, it could include “based on a true story” or “views are their own”.

This means that the producers are stating that the programme is 100% factual, so this links back to accuracy because if they state everything is factual and it turns out that it isn’t, people could be offended or it could go further and the company could end up being sued. Although this point is important in many documentaries, my focus doesn’t require many facts but if any are included they will come from a credited source.

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